#maasai gif
ilromagnollo84 · 2 years
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kemetic-dreams · 7 months
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In Africa, European colonial governments and European Christian missionaries criminalized and stigmatized the cultural practices of tattooing and scarification; consequently, the practices underwent decline, ended, or continued to be performed as acts of resistance.
Among the ethnic groups in sub-Saharan Africa that traditionally practice scarification are the Gonja, Dagomba, Frafra, Mamprusi, Nanumba, Bali, Tɔfin, Bobo, Montol, Kofyar, Yoruba, and Tiv people of West Africa, and the Dinka, Nuer, Surma, Shilluk, Toposa, Moru, Bondei, Shambaa, Barabaig, and Maasai people of East Africa.
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Traditionally, the most common reason for scarification has been as a rite of passage.
Scarification has been widely used by many West African tribes to mark milestone stages in both men and women's lives, such as puberty and marriage.
In many tribes, members unwilling to participate in scarification were generally not included in the group's activities, and are often shunned from their society.
According to anthropologist Grace Harris, group members lacking the normal characteristics consistent with the group are not considered as having acquired the full standing as agents in their society; they would also lack the capacity for meaningful behavior, such as greeting, commanding, and stating. 
Therefore, scarification can transform partial tribe members into "normal" members entirely accepted by the group.
Scarification is a form of language not readily expressed, except through extensive and intricate greetings, and gives the ability to communicate fully, which is a key element for being considered as a normal member of the group.
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One reason why scarification is used as confirmation of adulthood is how it shows the ability to endure pain. With young men, the endurance of the pain of scarring exhibits strength and discipline, especially in tribes where males have roles as hunters and warriors.
A young man who has already experienced the feeling of torn or cut flesh is considered less likely to fear the teeth of a wild animal or the tip of an enemy's spear.
In Ethiopia and Zambia, elaborate scarification is often done on women at puberty, used to denote a willingness to be a mother. The markings show that she can stand the pain of childbirth, as well as being an indication of her emotional maturity.
Some of these rites of passage have spiritual or religious roots, such young boys in the Chambri tribe of Papua New Guinea undergo scarification resembling crocodile scales to mark their transition into manhood, a ritual which stems from the belief that humans evolved from crocodiles.
In Ethiopia, Suri men scar their bodies to show that they have killed someone from an enemy tribe;
the Mursi practice scarification for largely aesthetic reasons in order to attract the opposite sex and enhance the tactile experience of sex. 
The Ekoi of Nigeria believe that the scars serve, on their way to the afterlife, as money.
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queenshelby · 7 days
Daughter Dearest (Part Six)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy (47) x Step! Daughter (21)
Warning: Infidelity, Smut, Dysfunctional Family
Tag List will be updated soon! Please comment and engage!
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As the day progressed, some more wild weather had settled in, but that did not prevent Cillian from going out and picking up a delivery for you, namely some photographs you had developed externally from your recent travels.
Usually, you liked to do these things yourself, in a studio of your own, at least when utilising analog films, but this was not an option right now.  Cillian arrived home earlier than expected, his face still damp from the rain. The wind had picked up outside and the shutters beat against the brickwork of the house as he entered.
"Y/N," he called out, but you didn't answer. You had headphones on and was buried in one of your books.
He set the package down on the kitchen table and walked over to you, gently touching your shoulder. You looked up at him in surprise.
"I got your pictures," he said, pointing towards the table.
Your eyes lit up as you realized what he was referring to.
You pulled off your headphones and placed them next to you.
"Thank you so much for picking them up. You didn't have to," you exclaimed, beaming up at him, genuinely grateful.
"No problem," he replied with a soft smile. 
You jumped up from the couch, making your way over to the kitchen table. You noticed that the package was slightly damp from the rain.
Carefully, you unwrapped the package, revealing an envelope full of developed photographs while Cillian stood behind you expectadly.
"Would you like to see them?" you  asked, glancing back at him.
Cillian's gaze shifted between you and the envelope in your hands. He was curious, but he also didn't want to overstep any boundaries.
"Sure," he said finally, nodding his head. "I mean, unless they are too personal for you to share," he added quickly, remembering that you might not want him to see them.
You smiled at him, understanding what he meant. "I would love for you to see them," you told him, seeing how they weren't just random snaps. These photographs were part of your art and everything you photographed, especially during your last trip to Kenya, had a meaning.  They showed a snapshot of life there, its beauty, its harshness, and everything in between.
You opened the envelope, carefully taking out each photograph, placing them on the counter. The room was silent, the sound of the shutters beating against the brickwork still echoing. It made the whole scenario more magical, making you feel as if you were back in Africa, immersed in all its vastness and incredible beauty.
You picked up the first photograph, a black and white image of a woman carrying a baby on her back. Her face was etched with lines that showed the passing of time, but her eyes held a spark of life and strength.
Cillian leaned over your shoulder to get a better look.
"She's beautiful," he murmured, taking in the woman's stoic expression and the way she was cradling her child with such tenderness.
You smiled, glad that he could appreciate the photo's beauty.
"Yes, I took that picture when I visited a Maasai village," you said, feeling a sense of pride bubbling up inside you.
"Their way of life is so different from ours, but there's so much beauty in their simplicity."
Cillian nodded in agreement, completely captivated by the raw emotion conveyed in the photograph. He pointed to the next picture, which showed a group of children playing in a dirt field with a makeshift soccer ball. "These kids look so happy," he observed, admiration in his voice.
"They were! I spent an entire afternoon with them," you replied, feeling a fondness for those kids coming back.
"They don't have much, but they truly know how to enjoy the simple pleasures. It's quite inspiring."
Your voice trailed off as you went through more pictures, showing mostly people and their raw emotions. Each face told a story, and this was obvious to Cillian who watched you, mesmerized by your passion for photography. It was clear to him that this wasn't just a hobby for you, but a calling. He couldn't help but be impressed by your ability to capture moments, feelings, and the spirit of the places and people you've encountered.
You turned around to look at Cillian, noticing how he seemed lost in thought. " What's on your mind?" you asked him gently, your hand reaching out to touch his arm.
Cillian started and looked at you, his gaze softening as he saw the concern etched on your face. "Nothing, I am just...,"  he stammered, unable to put his feelings into words just yet.
"Just what?" you pressed, sensing that something was bothering him.
He licked his lips nervously, indecision etched on his face. "I think that you have a true gift Y/N. These photographs are  incredible," Cillian finally managed to say, his voice tinged with admiration.
You smiled, warmth spreading through you at the compliment, grateful for his acceptance and encouragement.
As the day went on, you, Cillian and you spent some more time together after, due to the bad weather, he had postponed his plan to catch up with his mate Dermont.  You noticed the easy way Cillian interacted with you and the way he listened intently as you spoke about your photography, understanding and appreciating the way it moved you. He even shared some of his stories from his early filming days, for a bit of nostalgia. 
Yet, despite this familiarity, there still lingered a sense of unspoken tension between the two of you. A pull that neither of you could explain or understand. It was an awkward dance of avoidance and stolen glances every so often.
The day after though, the weather cleared and Cillian went to see his best friend, meeting up with him for pint of Guiness downtown while you stayed at home.
You were still under house arrest and were only permitted to leave the property for an hour each day, during which you had to remain within a five-kilometer radius of where you lived. This was to permit you to exercise and attend to important matters, like shopping for essentials. 
These restrictions were frustrating, and the monitor had caused a rash to appear on your ankle, but you tried to stay positive. At least you weren't in jail.
While Cillian was out, you took the opportunity to call Nadine, asking her to come over but, unfortunately for you, she declined. She had an interview for a new job that day and really couldn't miss it.
As you spoke to Nadine, who appeared somewhat reserved over the phone and when you asked her about what was wrong, she revealed to you that she had heard rumors concerning your arrest. 
"I ran into Kevin at the hostel bar last night and I think it may have been Lucy who got the drugs into your bag,"  Nadine explained.
You frowned, feeling a surge of anger well up inside you. "But why would she do something like that?" you asked, incredulously.
Nadine sighed. "Well, apparently she was pretty pissed about you and Kevin having hooked up," Nadine explained, not condoning your mutual's friend's actions but clearly trying to explain the circumstances.
You scowled, frustration building up inside you at Lucy's pettiness. "But I haven't hooked up with Kevin at all," you hissed, your voice barely controlled. "In fact, most guys repulse me and that most certainly includes him,"  you added with a shiver of disgust.
Nadine remained silent for a minute, as if contemplating her next words carefully. "I know you didn't, but Lucy is pretty impulsive," she finally said, sympathetic. "Not that it makes it right though,"  she quickly added.
"But what am I supposed to do now?" you asked, frustrated. "I almost went to fucking jail because of her," you went on to say. 
Nadine sighed heavily. "Look, Y/N, I don't know, but I should really go now. I have that interview in half an hour,"  Nadine said, her voice gentle and concerned.
"I know, I am sorry," you said, feeling a pang of regret. "I shouldn't be ranting," you went on to say. 
"No, don't be silly. I'm always here for you, that's what friends are for," Nadine replied warmly. "But promise me that you won't do anything stupid," she added , feeling a sense of responsibility towards you.
You sighed heavily. "I won't," you answered, although this was far from the truth seeing how, as soon as Nadine hung up, you checked out Lucy's social media to see where she was at.
According to Instagram, she was still in town and you knew that you had to confront her. You wanted to get your name cleared and you wanted to tell her exactly what you thought of her. You were angry and you wanted her to know that you weren't someone to be messed with.
Thus, you quickly threw on a jacket, grabbed your sister's car keys, and headed out the door. The cold wind hit your face as you stepped outside, but you barely noticed. You were too focused on the task at hand.
As you drove towards the hostel, which was about nine kilometers away, your heart raced with anger. You couldn't believe that she had done something like this to you. You had never done anything to her, yet she had still decided to frame you.
The audacity of it all infuriated you, but you pushed past your rage and focused on the task at hand.
The hostel was crowded with young travelers, but you spotted her easily. She was sitting in the courtyard, sipping on an iced coffee and chatting with a tall blonde girl.
You approached her, feeling a surge of anger building up inside you. "Lucy," you said, your voice cool and controlled.
She looked at you, surprise flashing across her face. "Y/N?
What are you doing here?" she said, looking around nervously.
You ignored her question and cut to the chase. "Why did you plant drugs in my bag?" you demanded, anger tingeing your voice.
Lucy's eyes widened, and she looked at you in shock. "What? No, I didn't," she stammered, trying to deny it.
You raised an eyebrow, skepticism etched on your face. "Don't lie to me, Lucy. I know it was you," you told her sternly , your voice firm and unyielding.
She fidgeted, looking guilty as charged. "Fine. I did it. But I didn't mean for it to go this far," she whispered, finally admitting her wrongdoing.
"What do you mean you didn't mean for it to go this far?" You asked incredulously, not understanding why she would do something like this in the first place.
"I was drunk, and I heard about you hooking up with Kevin earlier that night.  It made me jealous, and in the heat of the moment, wanted you to get in trouble," Lucy confessed, tears streaming down her face.
You stared at her, shocked and angry. "You must be joking! How could you do something so stupid? I could have ended up in jail just because of your drunken fit of jealousy!" you shouted, your voice incredulous.
"I am so sorry Y/N. I even went to see you the morning after, just before you left, but you had already gone. I wanted to warn you and make it all right. I promise," Lucy said, sniffling and rubbing her eyes just as, suddenly, you watched as a police car pulled up into the hostel parking lot, and it was then when you looked down at your ankle, seeing a red light flashing on it.
"Oh fuck," you hissed, realisation dawning on you and, before you had time to act, Lucy got up and ran off while the officers were approaching you.
You stood there, frozen on the spot, with your heart pounding in your chest. You couldn't believe what was happening.
"Miss Y/N Y/LN?" one of the officers  called out, approaching you cautiously.
You swallowed hard, trying to steady your shaking hands as the figure in uniform stepped closer.
"You are in breach of your  house arrest, Miss," the officer stated calmly, but with an underlying tone of authority.
You nodded dumbly, looking down at the monitor on your ankle. The red light blinked menacingly, betraying your location to the people who held your freedom in their hands.
"I'm sorry, I can explain," you stammered, attempting to reason with the officers in front of you. "I know who did what I got in trouble for and I came here to confront her," you said, quickly reaching for the device on your ankle, scratching your skin beneath.
"Well, ma'am, we will have to take you down to the station and you can call your next of kin and your solicitor when we get there,"  the second officer said, his tone stern but not unkind.
He and the first officer took hold of your arms, guiding you gently but firmly towards the patrol car parked outside the hostel.
As they led you away, you couldn't help but feel a wave of embarrassment sweep over you. What had you gotten yourself into? It was like a bad dream from which you couldn't wake up and, if they actually called your mother while she was on vacation, you knew you would never hear the end of it.
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ceekbee · 8 months
Xtra Thoughts
“A contented mind is a continual feast.”
—American Proverb
“Daylight follows a dark night.”
—Maasai Proverb
“Even the longest day has its end.”
—Irish Proverb
“Lord, take me where You want me to go:
Let me meet who You want me to meet:
Tell me what You want me to say, and
Keep me out of Your way.”
—Franciscan friar, Mychal F. Judge
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chaotic-rxses-zee-01 · 10 months
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new Na'vi clan for a fic I’m making
clan name: Lei'wa
looks: similar to the Tayrangi, Olangi and Omatikaya just with tails like the sea clans for better swimming and Afro-textured hair.
the Lei'wa clan are a sea island clan off the coast of the Eastern Sea. they're an Ikran or banshee riding clan, who are known to be the first warriors to make a clean kill of a thantor or a Palulukan.
cultural inspiration (now please take note, it is purely inspired, NOT appropriation.)
many of my inspiration for the Lei'wa clan is from the Native Americans of the southwest USA, and Maasai people of Kenya. their culture is all about being amazing carvers, weavers and hunters. there are many legends in the clan and was the first clan to speak the Na'vi language after the Ni'avwe clan, or the "Official First Clan." much like the sea clans, tattoos are very important to them. they can be intricate designs on the hands and thigh to small lines or marks on the face, mainly following the person's stripes.
here is some pictures of what i mean
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(i don't know what the things they wear on their neck are called but they're so pretty)
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many women have ear gauges, kind of like Neytiri's. they can be painted to look real pretty with designs of Ikran stripes. speaking of jewelry it isn't gender specific. men can have earrings and gauges, fancy necklaces and bracelets, all of it.
when did the Sky People discover them?
about three years after the events of Avatar 2009. they were hostile at first, sending warriors to attack them. but their olo'eykte at the time Nanti made peace with them. yet when the sky people came back and Jake rallied the clans (again) they joined in the effort. many of the other Na'vi that live at Hell's Gate at the beginning of The Way of Water are from this clan, since two of their main islands, Nguway and Paytxew we're uninhabitable when they landed.
where do the Sully's tie into this?
Lei'wa was a peaceful place for a good long time, only going to war when the humans arrived. the Lei'wa were the clan that let the Sully’s stay on the long journey to Awa'atlu in the Souther Sea (I'm assuming.) they were being lead by their Olo'eykte, Eyrina and Tsahík Riki. Eyrina and Riki are sisters, and since Eyrina was female, she became Tsahík. Eyrina and her mate, Khalo later have 2 kids, a boy and a girl, the boy, Naran se Zeykoyu Khalo'Itan. and the girl, Tseyal se Zeykoyu Eyrina'Ite. Tseyal is 13 and Naran is 14.
they hung out with the kids a lot. Naran being close with Neteyam and Tseyal being good friends with Tuktirey and Kiri. the news pf Neteyam’s death spread as soon as he was buried because of Pandora’s neural connection to everyone and everything. the clan was hurt, seeing how kind and loving he was. they made the journey to Awa'atlu to help fight the Sky people.
so yeah! that was a lot to write. hope your thanksgiving was amazing, bye now loves :)
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rawtings · 3 years
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barbarafeio · 3 years
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Maasai, Tanzânia
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sbrown82 · 2 years
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Maasai woman showing off her many brass necklaces, earrings and other ornaments which signifies her social standing in society (1930).
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biscuitsarenice · 4 years
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Handmade In Africa
Jane Semanto, a master bead maker, crafts a traditional Maasai wedding necklace
Like many Maasai, Jane lives a modern life in Nairobi but retains a deep knowledge and reverence for her tribal heritage. The Maasai use beads to signify social and marital status. Colours also hold special importance, signifying elements of the Rift Valley landscape, as well as valued Maasai character traits such as bravery and friendship. 
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screenshothaven · 3 years
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Jade Eyed Leopard (2020)
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ilromagnollo84 · 2 years
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Patricia Velasquez
"Maasai" collection
Christian Dior Haute Couture Spring/Summer 1997
John Galliano first collection for Maison Dior
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kemetic-dreams · 2 years
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The name is derived from the Maasai phrase Enkare Nairobi, which translates to "place of cool waters"
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nicolebehariewce · 8 years
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"In All Things, Many Work As One."
Tereneh Mosely is a Pittsburg based designer who has been collaborating with the Olorgesailie Maasai Women Artisans of Kenya since 2008. Plant based textiles and indigenous adornment is the aesthetic foundation.
Her main inspiration is working with Indigenous women artisans. Four key lessons are: Material. Matter. Manner. Meaning
- The importance of material as part of a universal system of creating. 
-The elements needed to create and its connections to all of us. 
-The manner of production; do not harm the connected ecosystem. 
-Textile arts and how we adorn the body has meaning as well as sociocultural significance. 
Her goals are to create a global creative community of Indigenous artisans and to redefine sustainability to include human beauty and creativity as well as nature’s.
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"Looking at indigenous cultures and people of color … looking at communities who are ignored – there’s so much value, knowledge and information within those communities. We have to sustain that knowledge and each other or else there’s no point in moving forward. 
[..] Sustainability is two-fold: 1) sustaining nature and 2) sustaining human beings, humanity and human creativity. We have to make sure that we sustain each other and ourselves so that we are looking out for how things are made, why things are made where they're made and who makes them.
 It’s impossible not to be inspired by a lot of different things. Indigenous design is timeless and there’s a reason why designers all over the world keep reaching to indigenous populations for inspiration. The problem is when people don’t give creative credit and economic benefit to cultures who created it.
There are 36 women in our Collective.. and fairtrade is a creative business partnership where all the women benefit. My Goal is to have or create an Indigenous Quality Label that says something like, “The creation of this design by a Maasi Collective … This has not been appropriated” LOL.  I want a stamp of approval or Intellectual innovative seal! There needs to be some way to give creative credit and economic development to the indigenous people.” - Tereneh Mosely [x]
Nicole Beharie in the OMWA + Idia’Dega Tomon organic cotton blouse with hand beaded cufflinks | AfroPop: The Ultimate Cultural Exchage, Season 9
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Nicole Beharie hosts season 9 of AfroPop:The Ultimate Cultural Exchange. Afropop is a program featuring independent documentaries and short films about contemporary life, art and culture across the African Diaspora.
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[x] aww :)
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ceekbee · 2 years
"Today’s Gift
January 13
“Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in.”
—Robert Frost
Our home is a place of roots, a place where we can always turn in time of need. Some of us may have had the experience of being away from home and not being able to make it on our own. We know what a relief it was to reach out at last and call our family, who we knew would take us in.
We became people in our homes, we learned to eat and walk and talk there. We feel comfortable there, safe from the pressures of the outside world. It is up to us to keep it safe and healthy by growing in love and generosity there.
Home is a place to really give of ourselves and put our best into making it happy and secure. It will affect our futures more than almost anything else in our lives. It deserves our prayers of blessing. It is our foundation, the source of our first feelings for others. May we treasure our home and the people who make up our family.
What small thing can I do right now to make home a better place?"
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“A contented mind is a continual feast.”
—American Proverb
“Daylight follows a dark night.”
—Maasai Proverb
“Even the longest day has its end.”
—Irish Proverb
“Lord, take me where You want me to go:
Let me meet who You want me to meet:
Tell me what You want me to say, and
Keep me out of Your way.”
—Franciscan friar, Mychal F. Judge"
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kemeticenterprise · 6 years
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The laughing hyenas think all our voices are deep because they hear the roar of a Lion every time we speak. Therefore, the fierce ferocious nature we keep isn't dormant or sleep. It's alive and awake! We show it's countenance through the culture we express. When you express your Afrocentrism through the way you dress it's an expression of meaning on to you just as the Lion's mane is an expression of meaning onto the Lion.
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brokoala-soup · 2 years
This morning 🌅, in my dreams 😴, I was first babysitting 🧑‍🍼 this annoying baby 👶 who obviously wasn't cooperating 😑 and then suddenly a herd of giraffes 🦒 appeared outside my window 🪟 and started playing cricket 🏏 with their necks 📸 and later I was sitting on a zebra 🦓 in a zebra farm, you know like those cowboys 🤠 sitting on horses 🐎, and then I woke up 🙂
🛸 Pura Maasai Mara 🏞️ aa gaya dream mein 🥴
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PS: Kaisa hai narration humara? 😀
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